Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ravenwood Ball anyone?

If you have been listening to most of the other bogs you will know that there is a Ravenwood ball coming up (details here). I am going (along with 40 other people as of now)... I will not be hosting a mini-party but if there is anyone else out there who would like to I suggest that you go to that page to see how. I t says to dress up so I am debating between this outfit:
My Ice Kraken, Me and my Ice Wyvern
with my Ice Wyvern, or a more worldly look:

Also with my Ice Wyvern. Those are the outfits I am debating over. In other news (As you can probably tell) My ice Kraken Hatched; He gives the "Berserk Kraken" card with 6??-7?? damage and 25% boost to next storm spell. I also have just hatched with a Phoenix and the egg is Fire but it give an Ice Wyvern card hmm, what could it be? A Fire Wyvern of course. I have no idea what I'm going to do with all these hybrids.

Aaron Starheart

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Aaron did you look at my comment below this post? Thanks.-Thunderblade
