Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wysteria and Yosemite!

  I have completed Wysteria (well actually I completed it at the same time as I wrote the post about Autumn leaving her blog) I just haven't told you since I was in Yosemite! here are some pictures:

Stunning is it not? It was fun but you always need to return home.

The houses still haven't been put up yet... (KingIsle if you are listening at least give us some idea of when they will be up, please) Congratulations Talon on his 38 followers (only two more till 40)  currently have 33 followers. I have completed the Tower of the Helephant but will gladly help anyone who wants to do it; here are some pictures:

This is just a reminder but if anyone needs help in game I'm here.
Hex why don't you knock like normal viruses?
> Because... I don't 
If you are going to stay you have to ask Autumn first okay?
>but first I'm trying something
>Much better
Really just a change of color thats it?
>Yup have a problem?
No, no, no problem just asking bye

While she's off trying to find Autumn I'll wrap up this post before she comes back... See ya later

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dusk and Dawn

As you most likely know Autumn (DuskHunter) is leaving the spri@l, (Autumn If you are reading this this know that we will miss) She said that she would go out with a bang and boy did she. I briefly met her in game (and by meet I meant see her at the ravenwood-ball)I only started reading her blog sometime last year but I wish I started sooner. As true as her posts were they were amazing. Yes we may have lost a great site but she is still here just not as prominent. I took part in her contest to save HiaG and well it was amazing the fact that she took the time to make a contest like that was amazing; that contest introduced me to "Reboot" (Hex it would seem that you dont have to do your job any more)
> Who says that I that I can't still help protect the place; it would just be lonelier. Hmm... 
Well I hear The Elementalists is nice or maybe Housing101
>OK but if they don't look good then I'm coming back...
 OK... Bye...

Now that she's gone I can continue: Autumn was a great person  and she will be missed.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I Won!!!!!

 I won the deed to a brand new, shiny... Ice House!!
Right side of my room (aquarium from bazaar)
Kitchen (you would be surprised how well firecats cook)
Floating birdcage
Game room
Dragon's hatchery
Chicken coop
Entrance to dragon hatchery
Onward my ship to sale 'till dawn
Me and Manny Kin
Thank you Christina IceDreamer (IcyWiz) and Ravenwood Radio for this house
Twin Wyverns? weird  

Sunday, August 21, 2011

When? Kingsile When?!

As you probably know the new houses are not up so I (along with many others) will have to wait I'm assuming that it will come up later this week possibly tomorrow. I have been stuck with the flu for the past two days and I look like something the death wizards summoned out of Nightside. Because of that little problem I missed Talon's (Heroic Pyromancer) and Mark's (The Elementalists) party. Sorry guys, I hope it was fun. I have tried out Wysteria and well I need 2,000 more crowns to unlock the other areas (including the Tower of the Helephant, the new level 60 tower) In my opinion the pigs there are really snobbish. Lets let Ravenwood win this Cup once and for all.

Friday, August 19, 2011


The test realm is down the live realm is up... Welcome to Wysteria (Pictures soon).

Other news there is a new card pack... The Wyvern's Hoard.This pack has gardening and housing items and a chance at the rare Wyvern mount itself!(comes in five colors) In my opinion the gear makes you look like a Dryad or Bowtruckle. These packs also can include the teleporters (more info on the same page).

Since the live realm is up it means I can get my Wizards watchtower. YEAH! But now the question is how should I decorate it? Hmm... decisions decisions. Well I'll tell you when I get the house (that is if the launcher ever loads). Well see you in Wysteria.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

*Testing.... One... Two... Three... Testing*

Yes this post is about everything working (Knock on wood). As it turns out I might be able to get on the test realm. I have read a few reviews of the new house "The Wizard's Watchtower". I agree with some of the cons (Like not being able to put furniture in the dragon's room). I know this is really short but it is more of a heads-up than a lengthy post.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

*We are Expirencing Technical Difficulties*

As seen by the title my home base has a little problem but it should be resolved soon. Basically the internet router went haywire and now the internet works on only one computer (the slowest one) so I might be able to get on Wizard101 (emphasis on might). So if anything new happens in the next day (I'm hoping). I wont be of mush use for news.

Housing news: I will not buy the Dragon's Fyord instead I will buy the The Wizard's Watchtower and try floating there. I finally have enough gold to buy it  once it goes live (assuming that it is 100,000 gold)(Thanks Halfang for your drops and thank you Mark StormHunter, Malorn GhostRider and the many others that helped me farm him). I personally think that you should be able to trade houses among your wizards.

If any of you guys don't watch Ravenwood Radio I suggest you go here and start at Episode one and keep going until you reach 46.

Mark and Talon are having a joined 30 followers party If I can attended I will. There is also a new code for use it is "panther" it is good for a 15 day mount rental for the black panther.

See you in game (hopefully)

P.S. edit: everything is a little spotty but it works so I'll see you in game

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Yes another palooza for us wizards to enjoy! The crowns shop houses and housing items are on sale up to 50% off (note: this applies for the crowns price not the gold price). They have also introduced new furniture to go along with it (Some trophies, a cyclops bobble-head and much more). In other news I am farming almost every second I am in game to save up enough for the new houses (There are two and you can find more info here) in the test realm; the Wizard's Watch Tower and the Sunken Palace. I personally want the Watchtower.

-Aaron StarHeart

P.S. I might change the blog a little I think it looks a little to dark and dreary

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I know, I know, I haven't posted in a while but for me there hasn't been very much to post...

Well as you know Wysteria is still in the test realm so I haven't seen it yet but from the pictures I've seen it looks very interesting. I am changing the cursor back to to normal one instead of Hedwig (I am going to see the movie this Friday).

I have started a new project and I am saving up to buy a Dragon's Fiord where I will test out some floating techniques; but that will take a while since all I have in 1,995 gold (Anybody want to help me farm?). In my MFP there is a restaurant (will also take some time).
For My garden I have this so far:

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Deja vu

For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow____ , which nobody can deny
Which nobody can deny, which nobody can deny
 For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow____ , which nobody can deny!
 (replacement for "Happy Birthday" in Spain). This is one way of saying Happy birthday to the grandmaster of Wizard101 blogging; The Friendly Necromancer. I have briefly met friendly and he's on my friends list. But I hope that he has a very happy birthday (especially with "his" birthday gift from KingsIsle; The world Wysteria) I haven't been able to see this world yet because of the 30 days crowns thing.
Sorry for the short post