Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ice Wyvern+Krakon=?

Well the ? means an Ice Krakon!:

The stats seem good I just hope that I get "Spritely". My Ice Wyvern is now an adult; He now has "Pip-O-Plenty", "Health Gift", "Bananas!", and "Bummer". I really hope that "Spritely" is next on either of my pets. I have just finished waterworks and got:  Nothing! So far all that I want from waterworks now is: Mega snacks, my robe ,and my storm mastery amulet, but for now I'll have to wait.
Aaron Starheart


  1. Hey, Aaron! I got a Blog! www.theheroicpyromancr.blogspot.com!
    Add me to your blogroll please. Thanks!-Thnderblade
