Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Great House

Yesterday I had the great pleasure of seeing a great example of the floating bug. This house is the brain-child of Samantha SpellDreamer

Griffin and Griffin
The tree... so close
In the tree

more tree shots

A tried group picture
 Sam also had a great maze inside her house (I got lost plenty of times)
Part of Sam's maze

Tree in a maze

The Artist (middle; not me or Alexandra)

left side of maze

right side of maze

I must say that I am very glad that the floating bug exists since without that the rug-work outside this MFP (Massive Fantasy Palace) would be gone and tons of other floating techniques would be gone...

I saw another exceptional house yesterday; this one is owned by Zachary ShadowHunter

The outside looks like a forest representing all seasons and climates
More "forest

Below  his stairway
going up

and up...

and up

Top of his stairway to heaven (plus my new favorite housing item)

edited top of stairway to heaven
I can see forever here


more inside
These two houses are, in my opinion, epic I hope that Samantha and Zachary will let you see their houses in game since they are so mush cooler than pictures. I must thank Samantha for wanting to do waterworks yesterday for I got my robe!!!!(insert many exclamation points here)!!!! Yes finally; thank you Samantha

The happy waterworks gear wearing Aaron StarHeart

1 comment:

  1. :D
    And Thank you for showing me your blog it's awesome :DDDD

    -Samantha spelldreamer
