Monday, June 18, 2012

Pirate101 fansites

KingsIsle is accepting Pirate101 fansite so I am submitting mine here are the recommended guidelines:
"Restrictions—the following general rules must be met:

  1. You must be at least 18 years old or have written permission from a parent or guardian stating they will review your site’s content on a weekly basis and counsel with you concerning online interactions with others.
  2. Your site needs to be updated weekly at a minimum and your updates must be dated.
  3. Facebook Fan pages will not be considered for inclusion. The only official Pirate101 Facebook page is located at
  4. You will not imply that you are officially representing KingsIsle.
    1. Though you may be considered a Community Leader for being an official site, you may not speak on behalf of KingsIsle.
    2. Background graphics, border elements, and header graphics should not be too similar to those found on If there is a question, KingsIsle will be the final determining factor and may ask you to change some elements of the design of your site if they are found to be too similar to the designs on Graphics from the fan site kit should be considered “approved” and can help you create a unique look for your own site.
  5. You will not willfully disparage or adversely affect public perception of Pirate101 or the good reputation of KingsIsle. Constructive criticism is acceptable and encouraged when it is done in a positive spirit meant to improve the game.
  6. You will comply with the Federal Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and related regulations for websites directed to children under the age of 13. Information about COPPA can be found at the following link:
Commitment to Quality—although KingsIsle reserves the right to bend the rules for exceptional fan sites in regards to quality, the following items will help guide you to success:
  1. Domain Name—purchasing a domain name for your site shows us you are committed to our product. Websites hosted at free hosting locations such as blogspot, wordpress etc will not be eligible.
  2. Quality Product—a nice looking and well-designed website is one that will naturally attract users to it and develop a following of its own.
    1. Followers—although it isn’t necessary to have a certain amount of users and fans posting and following your site, if you have a lot of users, we’ll be more apt to want you onboard as an official fan site.
    2. Looking good—using the materials in the fan site kit should help your site look great, but their use isn’t necessary to becoming an official fan site. Do your best with the software tools at your disposal.
    3. Stay on Topic—if you post about more than one product on your website, we’d like to have a dedicated spot for Pirate101 information only. For example, if you run a blog about both Pirate101 and Wizard101, please use a tag for Pirate101 posts so we may link to only those posts that would directly interest fans.
Ownership—all images in the fan site kit belong to KingsIsle Entertainment but may be displayed on your site or used in the creation of your webpages. KingsIsle reserves the right to remove any images from the fan site kit and request our fan sites likewise remove images at our request.
Questions?—email if you have any questions regarding these requirements."
 But before I do I'm doing a quick "revamp" of my blog to make it more Pirate friendly. The part in grey blue is what will help get you in (I'm having flashbacks of trying to get my Sims2 kids into private School) I can't buy a domain name (times are tough)... I think I have a nice looking website  but I'm biased. Followers... Well that half depends on you guys; I have to write interesting posts and encourage you guys to follow me, but it is you who makes the final decision. I'm adding some stuff from the Fan Site Kit and finally I think I'll be able to do that. And In honor of Pirate101 I bring you to this: remember it is September 19th.

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