Thursday, June 21, 2012

KingsIsle never ceases to amaze me

I was reading through Swordroll's Blog and I found this video by KingsIsle called 
Merle At the Movies:

I am proud to say that I recognized most if not all of the movies
I've been reading through everything I could find about Priate101 lore and so far the best informer was from Kingsisle (go figure) note all of this info is from or a sublink under that page
It is a wondrous time of exploration and adventure, when tall ships fly the endless skies and brave the Stormgates of the Spiral. Not long ago, a generation of explorers led by the great Marco Pollo opened and mapped dozens of connections between the various realms. Trade and commerce sprang up all over the Spiral, and many nations learned that the size and strength of their fleets were the key to their destiny. Marleybone, Valencia, Monquista, and Polaris emerged as the dominant powers of the era, forming colonies and forging trade routes that made them wealthy and powerful. Grizzleheim and many other realms, tried to stay neutral, trading with all and claiming no empire.
Competing colonial interests led to tension between the great powers, and then to war. Polaris, led by Emperor Napoleguin, launched a great war against Marleybone, Valencia, and Monquista. Every other realm in the Spiral soon found themselves drawn into the conflict as allies, mercenaries, or battlefields. Napoleguin's military genius and strong navy brought the Spiral to its knees - his victory seemed assured, but Marleybone's staunch resolve and Valencia's new clockwork Armada finally defeated him.
 The war and its aftermath was a wild, lawless time in the Skyways. Colonies, cut off from their owners, collapsed into anarchy or fell to hostile raiders. Mercenary ship captains constantly switched allegiances, fighting for Marleybone this week and Polaris the next, switching flags whenever the winds of profit and fortune changed. In time, some of these captains refused to follow any nation - they saw the ships of every side as prizes waiting to be pillaged. The first Pirates were born.

 Pirates flourished in the outer reaches of the Spiral, where the colonial powers spread their forces thinner and thinner. In Skull Island, gangs of Pirates took control of entire Skyways, building their own ports and cities and launching daring raids in every corner of the Spiral. After the war's end, the great navies had been humbled and broken - no one could stop the spread of piracy, and the Pirate lords amassed huge hoards of plunder and gold. Captain Avery dreams of transforming Skull Island from a den of thieves into a new Pirate republic. This is the Golden Age of Piracy, when Wharf Rats and Cutthroats can make imperial navies tremble.

But winds of change are blowing across the Spiral. Marleybone's Royal Navy is regrouping, and lawless Skyways are being tamed. The Armada continues to rise. The Clockworks are supposed to be the military of the Valencian monarchy, but many are beginning to wonder if the Clockworks and their leader, Kane, don't have an agenda of their own. The Armada keeps growing, despite the end of the war it was created to fight. Now Armada ships are venturing into distant realms, hunting down Pirates and enforcing the law as they define it.
  The Armada's letter:
Your suspicions appear to be correct. My sources inform me that piracy is on the rise across the Spiral, from Marleybone to Monquista. Raids on ports and attacks on shipping have increased dramatically in recent weeks. Even Valencia and MooShu are not immune.

The turmoil these Pirates are causing is bad enough, but I worry that in the long term these Pirates may become numerous enough to impact the Grand Design. I am particularly troubled by persistent reports of a "Pirate Haven" somewhere in Skull Island, where hordes of Pirate crews are gathering in great numbers.

I have recently launched an aggressive sweep of several Skyways, arresting criminals and undesirables of all sorts for transport back to Valencia. I am confident that the prisoners, once properly questioned, will be able to shed more light on these questions. If these Pirates pose any threat to our interests, I will destroy them.
For the glory of the Armada!
This means that we are the one that Boochbeard is looking for I'm not sure if that's good or bad...but if it means getting off an Armada Ship I think that that's good--err, I mean "I reckon that be Jolly"

 Listening to what DadLabs had to say about the plot means that we are on the ultimate search, this would be much better then National Treasure's Cibola, just imagine an entire island made of gold! the riches...
I little tip for those Pirates on a beach if you own glasses leave them at the ship at or make sure the person you give them to doesn't lose them either :) and yes I speak from experience

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