Monday, May 23, 2011

Waterworks and other stuff

I officially have Cassy IceMancer, The Heroic Pyromancer, and Blaze Shadowhorn wanting to help me out with Waterworks so all we need to do is figure out a date and time (comment please). Also (this is to Cassy) I do not know how to render so if someone could help me out with these two pictures:

... and email it to me at aaronstarheart(at)yahoo(.com) minus the parenthesis and the at as @; it would be very much so appreciated thank you in advance. Also I saw this hybrid in the bazaar
Ice Wyvern and Life Forest Lord Hybrid with the Fire Phoenix above
 I believe that it is called the Forest Crawler. On that subject has anyone beaten the Ice boss, Nilbog, and if so could anyone please give me some advice since I cannot beat him; any help is greatly appreciated (I need it ).

Thank you, Aaron Starheart


  1. The Heroic PyromancerMay 23, 2011 at 8:22 PM

    Sup, Aaron! So about Waterworks, How about this;
    Date: Friday
    TIme: 7:45 pm Central Time
    Location/Realm: near Herman/Sunbird Area 1
    REMEMBER this dungeon takes about 4 hours. I will be dressed in a DS winged cap, and CL centurion gear: color is red. I will be wearing Waterworks Warrior badge. See you ITS!-Thunderblade

  2. The Heroic PyromancerMay 23, 2011 at 8:34 PM

    I just followed your blog about an hour ago XD.-Thunderblade

  3. Can we delay that to Saturday at 6:45 CST (7:45 EST)P.M. by Herman/Sunbird Area 1

    P.S. I'll be wearing the same clothes as in the pictures above possibly with a different wand

  4. The Heroic PyromancerMay 24, 2011 at 9:45 PM

    Sure, Aaron. Are you going to post screenshots? Oh, did you read my email? Oh, and one of us has to be the healer. I will give free healing treasure cards to the person who volunteers to be the healer. This is going to be awesome!-Thunderblade P.S. How do you edit pictures if you are already a follower? P.P.S. How do you get the "Triton Underwater Hero" badge? My brother has it, and he did not complete it yet. Glitch?

  5. I think that in order to get the "Triton Underwater Hero" badge you need to beat Crab Alley and save the king. I have no idea about your first question
