This is my 101th post. let me tell you a little story. there once was this young wizard named Aaron StarHeart; It was on a sunny day in March of 2011 when he was scrolling through
The Friendly Necromancer's blogroll he realized something why don't I make my own blog and help support my favorite game: wizard101. So on that day this blog was created it has had it's ups and downs but in the grand scheme of things this blog is wonderful.

The "Mystery pet" turned out to be a yellow elf (pictures soon). There are TWO (yes two) new card avail soon: the Hawk Rider Bundle(<--) and the new Super Bundle Gift-Card(-->) These are both extremely cool cards and I might but one of them. I bought a Nightmare card pack and I got the Pumpkin Gobbler! maybe I'll have some sort of party or contest soon; maybe?
nice may i ask Mr Aaron where you get your information from? plz do tell conact me at
ReplyDeletedude you from the press or something... asking questions like that man i am your biggest fan Aaron you are cool....