Stunning is it not? It was fun but you always need to return home.
The houses still haven't been put up yet... (KingIsle if you are listening at least give us some idea of when they will be up, please) Congratulations Talon on his 38 followers (only two more till 40) currently have 33 followers. I have completed the Tower of the Helephant but will gladly help anyone who wants to do it; here are some pictures:
Hex why don't you knock like normal viruses?
> Because... I don't
If you are going to stay you have to ask Autumn first okay?>Fine...
>but first I'm trying something
>Much betterReally just a change of color thats it?
>Yup have a problem?
No, no, no problem just asking bye
While she's off trying to find Autumn I'll wrap up this post before she comes back... See ya later
Wow! Very cool post! :)