I have not completed Grizzleheim on the test because when they copied it over I was still in Ravenscar so I can't see Wintertusk. However that doesn't mean that I can't finish Grizzleheim on test and then see Wintertusk. I have spent most... OK all of my fake crowns on the test realm on pets and mega pet snacks and got the new pet, spirit of nature, and got him to epic (They have some very cool talents for a life wizard) and I got a baconater suit... It does help with pet training. I have started Crab Ally; the waterworks is so far impossible to solo. I have beaten Grizzleheim on test
Alia Star |
Alia Star if you are reading this please comment below for us to meet in the live realm instead of test. Wintertusk seams perfect for an ice wizard I have yet to get the new level 58 pet (Ice Wyvern) but I will soon enough. New monthly newsletter
right here.
Aaron Starheart
P.S. Never mind about beating Grizzleheim and starting Wintertusk and Crab Ally because they are resetting the test realm back a few days.
P.P.S. They didn't reset me beating Grizzleheim so I am in Austrilund of Wintertusk
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