Monday, January 21, 2013

20% and counting

While I'm waiting to port to Autumn Dreamwalker's NXP I'll try to write this post. Lately Aedan has been questing through Cool Ranch, Defeated the Duck of Death and Returned Carolina to her beloved All in a day's work.
And here are some pictures to browse through:
Totem Spirit #1

Ancient River

Totem Spirit #2

Totem Spirit #3

Ah Necromancy

En Garde


I want this spell

In Regards to Napoleguin

Perfect way to clean a ship



Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Once again Thank You to Destiny (Soultamer) Devereaux for the wonderful holidayified blog edits, but sadly it must be stored away until next year. In other new KingsIsle has released the Azteca Wallpaper here! Speaking of Azteca I am still in the Hall of Plumage, Caquix Nine Shadows has bested me each time... Anyway since I seem To be lacking a certain writing ability  today I'll end it here before I start Rambling... (Speaking of Rambling have any of you checked out Wizard101 Ramblers yet? You should!)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy Wizardversary to me!

The 5th was my Wizardversary, the day I first saw Malistaire's evil. The same day I was enrolled into Ravenwood Academy of the Magical Arts. Just a (very) quick post to celebrate!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Aedan's Adventures (Part 2) and Thank you

Ahoy, Cap'n Aedan Morgan here. While bin sailin' around th' spiral I was caught in a wee problem, again...
 It seems that I must have a hoodoo curse upon me to fly like a bird! Only be one problem , I can't manage to move once I begin to float... Only me luck, eh?
At first I thought that it might be th' location, No such luck. Whoever cast 'tis must be a strong witchdocter or one 'o Aaron's fellow magical folk. It even made me ship sink below th' skyways! 

By any chance related to a certain Harold Argleston?
 Aaron, correct me if I'm wrong but are there any spells that calls for fresh Sky-Sperent fangs?
Not that I know of Aedan Maybe in a differect class, Death? Storm? or Myth? Maybe one of our readers know...
 Well either way I found some spell cards from the local Gypsies
That be all I got, Thank ye Aaron
 ~Aedan Morgan

Always A pleasure Aedan,
~ In blogging news~
'Aaron's Adventures has just recently passed 13,000 Views, Wow! When I started this blog I never dreamed of it going this far. Thank *You* if it wasn't for your constant support I never would have been able to go this far. This community is by far one of the best I've ever experienced (and probably ever will).