Thanks to
D.S. Devereaux Aaron's Adventures has been Holiday-ified! Snow, a custom header What else do I need? Make sure to check her blog and her Pirate101 approved Fanfiction here! She's also hosting two great contests here! Make sure enter them!
~~Aedan's Pirate101 Adventures~~
bin be sailin' on side quests around th' great Spiral. Helpin' out th'
small Monquistadors wit' their spices, art supplies, dinners, 'n all
sorts 'o random necessities. Once I finished that I sailed over to St.
Bonobo's Alley 'n finally fixed me Galleon to where she can sail across
th' seven seas 'n back again! After that trip I tried duelin' wit' a
other band 'o pirates. Me group won twice...
After that I found myself caught in a wee problem, I was floatin' above Skull Island 'o all places!
Need not to worry fer I eventually found me way back to me ship 'n finally fell asleep to th' rockin' 'o th' winds around me.
Back to ye Aaron!
Thanks Aedan
Happy Sailing!
P.S. Make sure to comment What (if any) Holidays you are celebrating this time of year!